TGR Board Adopts Changes to Precinct Boundaries
Redistricting is part of the election process in the United States. And because the Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District’s (TGR) board members are elected, the district recently reviewed its population changes over the past 10-year period and found it needed to adjust its boundaries due to population shifts in the precincts. The objective is to balance the per capita representation for each precinct in order to give all district constituents an equal say via their elected representatives regarding district policies and future directions. The TGR Board used the following criteria to make its final boundary adjustments:
begin and end with identifiable boundaries
maintain communities of interest & neighborhoods
use whole voting precincts if possible
base plan on existing districts
adopt districts of relatively equal size
draw districts that are compact and contiguous
keep existing incumbents in their districts to preserve previous voter wishes
tailor plan to comply with the Voting Rights Act
The Board opened its planning documents up for public review and comment. At the Dec. 4 board meeting, the Board held a public hearing to receive any final comments before taking official actions to change the TGR precinct boundaries.
After a thorough planning process and public comment period, the TGR Board officially changed its boundaries to reflect a more consistent population base in each precinct.
Due to the change in boundaries, the district will be holding an election to fill all precinct seats in May, 2022. Click here for more information.
Please see the charts below which show the population unbalance before the boundaries were changed and then the chart with showed precinct populations in balance after the official changes were made to the precinct boundaries. These new boundaries will remain in place until the next U.S. census reports are received.
Resolution Approving the Redistricting of Director Precincts Effective December 9, 2021
Newly Adopted Precinct Boundaries
The map above shows the current boundaries designated by the red lines. The colored areas which extend outside of the red lines demonstrate how the precinct boundaries were redrawn to bring the district into compliance with equal population representation guidelines.
Click on this link to download a PDF of this map to review it in more detail.
Population and Demographic Adjustments
The two charts below show where the population and demographics for each TGR precinct before the board changed the precinct boundaries and how they changed after redrawing boundaries occurred.
The first chart shows the existing population. The second chart shows the population representation numbers with new boundaries.