TGR Board Adopts New Drought and Conservation Management Plan
The Trinity Glen Rose District Board adopted a new drought and conservation management plan at its November 2023 board meeting. It will go into effect on December 14. Click the link below to download and view the plan.
TGR District Moves to Drought Stage 2
Current Drought Stage: Stage 2 as of January 30, 2024
Northern Bexar County received much needed rain this past January. Though it is the second wettest January on record and we saw a range of 4”-6” of rain over a weeks period, the district is split between extreme drought conditions on the west side to severe drought on the east side of the district.
The rainfall raised Trinity Aquifer levels at all district well monitoring stations slightly to moderately, but further recovery is still vital.
With these slight improvements the District is rolling back to Drought Stage 2. The aquifer levels are still in a recovery stage and still below healthy levels. While in the recovery stage the aquifer benefits from a boost in water conservation efforts right now. Stage 2 still indicates for us to maintain year-round conservation and moderate efforts. Find more information on water restrictions here.
We are currently not in the season for lawn watering and ask any lawn watering practices to maintain watering on your designated watering days. See the weekly recommended lawn and bed watering advice here, at Garden Style San Antonio put out by SAWS .
While summer landscape watering period is nearly over, we ask that everyone continue to practice conservation measures regardless of irrigation system type.
The conservation measures outlined in Drought Stage 2 for Trinity Aquifer well users are strongly encouraged:
Stage 2 Water Use Restrictions: Year-round conservation and Stage 1 measures remain in effect unless added or replaced by Stage 2 conservation measures.
1. Water use reduction goal of 10%.
2. Aesthetic fountains are discouraged, unless an alternative source of water other than
groundwater is used.
3. Landscape watering with an irrigation system/sprinkler, or soaker hose is allowed only
once a week from 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m. on your designated watering day, as
determined by your address.
4. Watering with drip or a 5-gallon bucket is permitted any day, but only between 7-11
a.m. and 7-11 p.m.
5. Operators of golf courses, athletic fields, and parks are encouraged to reduce watering,
to eliminate irrigation between 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and provide for irrigation of landscape
areas not directly “in play” once per week.
You can download a complete copy of TGR’s Drought Stage Plan and the District’s latest drought brochure “Managing Drought” at our website, www.trinityglenrose.com/drought-information.
To learn about converting a high water use landscape to one that uses native plants and much less water, we encourage you to watch the TGR and partner Gardening Volunteers program called Go Gardening.
Contact for More Information: General Manager, Amanda Maloukis (210) 698-1155.
TWDB Drought Monitor Map
Click on the image below for most up-to-date information.
Drought map on 1-30-2024