Proposed District Rules for Public Hearing December 14, 2023
@ 9:30 am at Helotes City Hall Council Chambers, 12951 Bandera Rd., Helotes, TX 78023
*See Proposed District Rules here
*See an Overview of Highlights on the Rules here
*Posted November 6, 2023
*Newspaper Notice
District Rules-Current
District Forms
The following forms are for citizens of the TGR District and well drillers who need to register an existing well, drill a new well, plug a well, or wish to make modifications to their existing well. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Please Note: All Wells issued permits December 1st, 2004 and after MUST have a Natural Gamma-Ray Log run on them and submitted to the Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District along with the State Well Drillers Report and a completed Application to Register a Well.
Print out the forms to fill out and send to appropriate locations listed below.
Notice of Intent to Drill, Modify, or Plug Existing Well and Well Registration Form (pdf file)
*Note - there is no fee to register an existing well.
Fees for drilling, plugging, or modifying a well are listed on Notice of Intent Form.
To submit a completed form or materials, please send it to the appropriate address.
For Drilling, Plugging, or Modifying a well, send completed Notice of Intent forms and payment to:
San Antonio Water System c/o Elizabeth Gomez, SAWS
2800 US HWY 281 N
San Antonio, TX 78212
Phone (210) 233-2349
Send registrations for existing wells only to:
Trinity Glen Rose GCD
12790 FM 1560 N. Box 1589
Helotes, Texas 78023
Phone (210) 219-5555
Fax (210) 698-1159
Exportation Permit Application.pdf